Unity Fell Ponys

Fellponygestüt Elbickerode - Wolfgang Preiser

Daten Duke

Heltondale Duke IV
(FPS Reg.No. FP 227C*)

Rasse: Fell Pony
geboren: 1983
Farbe: schwarz ohne Abzeichen
Größe: 1,36m

Duke ist ein sehr typvoller Vertreter seiner Rasse. Er ist der Vater vieler prämierter Nachkommen, darunter auch mehrere gekörte Hengste.

  Heltondale Heather Lad
Heltondale Rosanna
Heltondale Hero
Heltondale Rosi III
Heltondale Mountain Prince
    Heltondale Rosie
    Waverhead Rambler
Heltondale Blooming Heather VII
Waverhead Model
Townend Polly VIII
  Heltondale Blooming Heather
    Heltondale Heather Bell

Duke's erfolgreiche Nachkommen

Lownthwaite Gary FP825C*

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lownthwaite Current

Winner of the Two Year Old Colt Class, Youngstock Champion and Reserve Supreme Champion
at the 1993 Stallion & Colt Show
Winner of the Three&Four Year Old Stallions, at the 1995 Stallion & Colt Show
At the 1998 FPS Stallion & Colt Show he was awarded "Supreme Champion"
Best Progeny Group Class at 2000 Breed Show for the 4th year in succession

Lownthwaite Star Boy FP9796

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lownthwaite Starbye

Performance Pony Points Winner 1999 and 2000 ridden by Katy Girdler

Waverhead Rob II FP50108C*

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam:Barbondale Petal

Licenced Fell pony stallion,
Licence No. FP160K


Guards Blossom

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Guards Julie

Winning Two Year Old and Reserve Champion at the UK Breed Show 1996 and Allround Champion 1999

Im Mai 2000 wurde sie von der Laurel Highland Farm nach Amerika exportiert.

Guards Blossom


Brackenbank Major & Brackenbank Hawthorn

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lownthwaite Melody / Brackenbank FP1365

Hawthorn wurde auf der Breed Show 1993 als bestes Fohlen ausgezeichnet. Beide werden heute sehr erfolgreich im Fahrsport in den Niederlanden eingesetzt.



Lownthwaite Hanna FP2219

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lownthwaite Anna

Als 3jährige von den "Royal Mews" gekauft, steht sie seit 1995 im Dienst der englischen Königin.


Townend Biggles FP438C*

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Townend Holly

Reserve Supreme Champion at the 1993 Breed Show, Winner of the Open Ridden Geldings and Champion Ridden Pony at the 1993 and 1996 Breed Show


Brackenbank Mayblossom

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lownthwaite Melody

Winning Two Year Old at the New Youngstock, Stallion & Mare and Pony Performance Awards 1994


Waverhead Beauty II FP2211

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Barbondale Petal

Winning Three Year Old at the New Youngstock, Stallion & Mare and Pony Performance Awards 1995, Reserve Supreme Champion at the Lowther Fell Classes 1995 and Youngstock Champion at the Southern Fell Show 1995


Waverhead Petal FP1997

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Barbondale Petal

Winning Three Year Old at the Lowther Fell Classes 1993 and Winner of the Ridden novice Mares at the 1994 Breed Show, Winning Mare in the class Mare or Gelding, 8 years old and over In Hand at the Lowther Horse Driving Trials and Country Fair 2000

Townend Septimus FP723C

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Lunesdale Sandra

Best Gelding at the 1996 Windermere Fell Pony Show

Best Gelding 4-7 yrs at the 1996 Breed Show
Ridden Champion and Best Gelding In Hand, 4 years or over and Best Ridden Pair together with Greenholme Kitty at the Windermere Fell Pony Show 2000

Gelding Champion at 13th Annual Southern Show 2001


Townend Callum FP725C

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Townend Candy II

Winner of the Ridden novice Geldings at the 1994 Breed Show and
Olympia Qualifier at the Midland Counties Show 1995


Border Rambling Rose FP2213

Sire: Heltondale Duke IV
Dam: Border Black Empress

Best Three Year Old riding type and Best Foot Shot at the 1995 Breed Show

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